Self realisation, reality and existence.

Today when i had a stroke like a near death experience when I was driving back from the gym. I experience high heart rate and body pain, because I did some excessive exercise today on empty stomach or something. I stopped my byke put my laptop and gym back aside on the footpath and started rushing for my water bkttle. I was sweating heavily. Today at that movement just before 5 hours of written this, I realised that nothing matters, those judgements, opinions, and all those bs that we tend to think is real. I just to do good in this world, and my wish is somehow I can help someone in any form irrespective of anything. I wish for peace loving more blissful world. When I read /see all that wrong /painful happening in the world, I feel really upset. I wish I could fix all those miseries and suffering people hace to go through. But then I think may be thata the way the universe works, there is no pain/ wrong, may be its just the way existence has to funct...