God and Self-realization: Daily spiritual reflections - (Sn Upadhyay 25 - October -2020)

Always keep it moving. Activity helps us get into the first stage of yoga. The proper activity is the best activity. Practicing asana, rituals, and service to saints is the proper activity that helps us get into the first stage of yoga. And have a glimpse of the infinite divinity residing in all things. Still, any activity is better than none. Just try to set some time out to sit and practice just being. The mind always running and body always running influences us to lose awareness of what is. It would be a shame to leave this human body without having experienced what only a human can experience. This body is fragile. Like a bubble, it can pop at any moment. Before that happens, make an effort to experience what's beyond the body and mind. Otherwise, death will be the most awful thing. If only we can experience what's beyond body and mind, death will never be an experience for us again. Only life. Of all castes, only the Brahmins made efforts to connect to divinity through th...