A Productive Day- Work and Life Update : (Thursday 15-October -2020)
So, it was quite a productive day, I have been able to do some deep work and learned a lot along the way. I am lacking with my schedule of work out but from tomorrow I will fix that too. Consistency is the key to everything. I know it a crazy time, I hope you are doing good, staying healthy and adopt as per the situations around because we know the theory "survival of the fittest" but then once you figure out that hey you are doing ok, then you must strive to help others who are not in better shape in life. The reason why I write this blog is just to express my feeling that hey I am in it with you too. I am also hustling and figuring stuff out, learning, and growing. But most importantly how am I able to help others along the way, any way possible. There is no such thing as real success without helping others with a service. There is just so much to explore in the world.

So here are the things I am learning, exploring, and pondering this week.
1- World and Indian polities & governance. (This is really important to understand at least the basics for your overall world view and human psychology, etc. Maybe I will be able to contribute there for the well beings of others via my work/service).
2- World economics and various policies. (This is what I just want to know more)
3-The future of the economy with the application of blockchain technology & cryptocurrencies. (Because this is now the "official" currency of the internet & growing fast).
4-Time management and priorities setting (We all know how important this is no matter what you do because we as human beings have limited time and energy throughout the day. I tried once to stretch my physical capability by working continuous hours but then end up failing miserably.)
5- A way to serve others in a more effective and positive way. (So, this one is also very important but we often neglect or not realize our specific and true potential to serve and help others. I mean there can only be a limited way we can really help others in an effective way due to lack of time, skills, and professional experiences.)
And, as always, please give me feedback on Twitter. Which bullet above is your favorite? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Please let me know. Just send a tweet to @iamsnup and share your valuable feedback or simply initiate a quick chat.
Have a wonderful time, all.
Much love to you and yours,
Sn Upadhyay
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